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7 Factors Affecting the Price of a New Furnace

furnace installation in Staten Island

It's furnace season again, which means it's time to look about buying a new furnace if yours is too old or doesn't work correctly. But which model is right for you? How much does it cost to install a furnace? Here are the criteria that affect furnace installation costs, according to the professionals at Gross Heating and Air Conditioning.

Let's take a closer look at each one.

Factors that determine the price of a new furnace installation

Fuel source

When purchasing a Lennox furnace or any other brand, the fuel source is generally the first consideration. Whether it's natural gas, electric, or oil, the majority of households remain with the same type. Electric furnaces are somewhat less expensive than natural gas furnaces in general, although running expenses can make gas cheaper over time. If you switch from one fuel source to another, you should expect to spend more.

Size of the furnace

Size and capacity go hand in hand in the world of furnaces. It's critical to have the proper furnace size for your home. You don't want your new unit to be too big or too little for a variety of reasons. The size is approximately proportional to the square footage of the home (although HVAC specialists use a more in-depth calculation). You'll note that the price steadily rises as you progress to larger (greater capacity) furnaces. Opt for furnace installation in Staten Island today!

Energy efficiency

If you haven't bought a furnace in 15-20 years, you'll be surprised at how much more energy-efficient today's models are. The AFUE (Average Fuel Utilization Efficiency) is a common metric for measuring energy efficiency (short for fuel utilization efficiency rating). A furnace with a 90 percent AFUE is fine, but one with a 97 percent AFUE is even better – but more expensive. Just keep in mind that investing in a higher-efficiency furnace now can save you money on your energy costs for many years.

Lennox furnace installation in Manhattan

Installation cost

The cost of labor to install the equipment is a significant factor in the total cost of your new furnace. If there are any obstacles that will make the installation more difficult, such as updating wiring or running new ductwork, the job will cost extra.

Advanced features

Modern furnaces may have features that aren't strictly essential but enhance to your comfort and convenience. Higher-end furnaces have variable-speed motors, air pressure switches, electronic air filters, and other advanced technology.

Brand of new furnace

More recognized brands will come at a higher price. When it comes to a furnace, the extra cost is generally justified due to improved performance, dependability, and guarantee. If you go to great lengths to acquire a dirt-cheap furnace, you will almost certainly get what you pay for.

Time of year

The optimum time to buy a new furnace is in the spring or early summer. Manufacturers and HVAC firms frequently offer special offers and financing alternatives during the off-season for heating systems. Contact professionals for furnace installation in Manhattan.


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